
Parenting can be a rough journey!
Parenting can be a rough journey!

This blogpost is devoted to muslim parents, coping with the stressors of infancy to teenage angst and talks to the principles of authoritative parenting through these differing stages in light of the positive outcomes we want for our beloved children.

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Harnessing the Power of intentions
Harnessing the Power of intentions

We’ll be exploring how to best prepare for the experiences and struggles of levelling up, by sticking to intentions and asking ourselves the important question ‘what legacy will I leave behind?’

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Nature is calling
Nature is calling

“By the sun and it’s brightness, and the moon as it follows it, and the day as it unveils it, and the night as it conceals it.”Surah ash-Shams, Chapter 91,verse 1-4 Study findings that have been coming out, have projected that 70% of the human population will be...

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5 Micro-habits in maintaining a tranquil home
5 Micro-habits in maintaining a tranquil home

Have you ever paused and thought about the relationship between you and the environment around you? Can the physical space that we find ourselves in everyday make us feel a certain way? Let’s take a look at some of the ways that I’ve found, impact me positively and...

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Consideration, Love and Bliss in marriages.
Consideration, Love and Bliss in marriages.

Harmonious and secure marriages have a positive impact on our life, health and happiness and lead to flexibility during misunderstandings and the survival of the relationship in the long term. In this two-part discussion we are going to remind ourselves how to create...

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Broken hearted, lost & tired
Broken hearted, lost & tired

As I was reading through the Seerah of our beloved Prophet (Alayhi As Salaat wa Assalam), I landed on the pages regarding the trip to the mountainous town of Ta’if.  I was left wondering; ‘How? Just how??’ How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) bear such a...

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Self Mastery and Fate
Self Mastery and Fate

Heya there! Umm Hafsa here… It is a pleasure to introduce you to the first blogpost on this website! Welcome to the world within a world a.k.a my own mind.My mind is constantly whirring with ideas on how we can bring together Islam and psychology, two topics which are...

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